Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Repurpose Your Career
Sum up your podcast in three sentences
I focus on the over age of 50 audience who either need to or want to keep working. Whether they want to keep working at what they have been doing, want to pivot their careers or start an encore career, I bring experts in to expand their horizons of thought.
What made you start this podcast?

I started in October of 2016 to support the publication of the 2nd edition of my book by the same name. That book was published but I continued the podcast because I got to meet so many cool people.
What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?
My own horizons have been expanded by the 200+ experts I have interviewed. On topics like switching industries, ageism, and encore careers.
What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?
I have a long career background in learning and development. I recorded over 20 hours of voice overs for online courses in my last “job”.
What I love is this is the greatest networking tool I have ever had. There is nothing I “hate” but I have really had to work on my workflow to keep the tedious stuff to a minimum.
If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?
My most eye opening episode for me was when I interviewed Glenn Zweig in episode #209.
Which other podcasts do you love listening to?
I am a news and politics junkie but I have had to keep that in check. I particularly like the NPR politics podcast and the WSJ Journal podcast.
If people want to find you online, where can they do so?
You can go to my website – there are lots of buttons to subscribe – and my LinkedIn.
Read the rest of our Podcast Showcases here and find your new listening addiction from among our features.
Do you have a podcast that could be showcased in this spot? Email editor@globalcomment.com with more details.
Image: Ravi Patel