Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to The Accessible Stall.
Sum up your podcast in three sentences
The Accessible Stall is a podcast that keeps it real about disability. It’s hosted by two best friends, Kyle Khachadurian and Emily Ladau, who both identify as disabled. Together, they unpack a range of disability issues through the lens of their lived experiences.
What made you start this podcast?

The fun answer is that we found ourselves in heated discussions and debates about disability issues, and decided it would be fun to take it public.
But the more serious answer is that we noticed a dearth of disability representation in the podcasting space and thought we could play a small role in changing that.
What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?
We prioritize making sure that our listeners know we don’t deem ourselves experts on disability beyond our own experiences, so we’re always learning and growing when it comes to how we talk about and think about disability.
What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?
We absolutely love podcasting, and have found the best part to be getting messages from listeners. It means so much when they let us know that our show resonates, making them feel seen and less alone as a disabled person, or expanding their understanding and perspectives as a non-disabled person.
If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?
We actually think it’d be fun if you started with our first episode, because you’ll get to learn more about the issue that led us to launch the show: pre-peeled oranges.
Which other podcasts do you love listening to?
If people want to find you online, where can they do so?
- https://www.theaccessiblestall.com/
- https://www.facebook.com/theaccessiblestall/
- https://twitter.com/accessiblestall
- https://www.instagram.com/theaccessiblestall/
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-accessible-stall/id1105184406
- https://www.patreon.com/theaccessiblestall
Read the rest of our Podcast Showcases here and find your new listening addiction from among our features.
Do you have a podcast that could be showcased in this spot? Email editor@globalcomment.com with more details.
Image: Mark Rohan