Global Comment

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Alone in the New Year? 11 inspiring and rewarding ways to celebrate the end of the year on your own


New Year’s Eve can be a difficult celebration for many people. There are those who have no family to share it with, those who are far from home, and those who are going through a difficult breakup. Also, there are those who decide to spend the day alone, either by personal choice or for lack of better options.

Whatever the reason, celebrating in solitude can also be very enjoyable and positive. Instead of fighting it, New Year’s Eve alone can be embraced as an opportunity to spend some quality time with yourself. But welcoming New Year’s Eve without family or friends is going to depend mainly on having an optimistic attitude.

In this article we offer you some inspiring and fun ideas to celebrate this festivity on your own, because spending this time alone can have benefits that we often overlook.

  1. Spend time in nature

As the saying goes, nature nurtures. It’s a great idea to get outdoors, take a long walk, go hiking, or just find a nice place to relax. Whatever you decide, don’t rush. Enjoy the world around you, breathe in the fresh air and do your best to disconnect from negative thoughts.

Spending time in natural spaces such as parks and the countryside can have positive effects on physical, mental and emotional health. If you’re feeling lonely at this time of year, exposure to nature will help reduce stress, “clear your head” and give you energy.

  1. Devour a good book

Take the opportunity to read books you wouldn’t normally have time to enjoy. New Year’s Eve is the ideal time to sit down with a book and savor each page at your leisure. There is evidence that both reading and listening to audiobooks can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness.

In this regard, Shira Gabriel and Ariana F. Young, researchers at the University at Buffalo, found that “books give readers more than an opportunity to tune out and submerge themselves in fantasy worlds. Books provide the opportunity for social connection and the blissful calm that comes from becoming a part of something larger than oneself for a precious, fleeting moment.”

If you’re not sure what to read, you might try a recommendation from a friend or check out Global Comment’s Book Club picks.

  1. Volunteer

Consider volunteering your services, whether at nursing homes, food banks, or animal shelters.

Helping others can be a positive way to spend New Year’s Eve while doing good for the community. Volunteering can have a positive impact on your mental well-being and it helps reduce stress and increase happiness.

  1. Allow yourself a gift

We know that material goods are no substitute for loved ones. But on this occasion, giving yourself a treat might help, as it activates the brain’s reward system.

The question is simple: what could you give yourself? Maybe it’s time to treat yourself to a new cell phone, an item of clothing, or perhaps a book. The idea is that the gift should be something that makes you feel good, supported and nurtured.

As you might expect, a good incentive will boost your mood.

  1. Participate in cultural events

Take advantage of the cultural activities offered in your region during the festivities, such as exhibitions, concerts, plays, movies.

Even alone, you can discover many unexpected joys in cultural events.

  1. Enjoy a movie (or television) marathon

If you decide to stay at home, there is nothing better than relaxing on the couch and having a good movie or series marathon. New Year’s Eve can be the ideal time to catch up on TV episodes or movie premieres you missed.

Stay away from melancholic, dramatic or painful content. Use this opportunity to catch up on quality entertainment. Choose inspirational or feel-good stories that will guarantee you cheer and fun. This will undoubtedly help make your New Year’s Eve alone a more pleasurable experience.

  1. Pick up the phone

Are there family members or friends you want to talk to and haven’t had time? Consider calling them. You don’t need to stay on the phone long, just welcome in the New Year’s Eve, express good wishes and get back to your own celebration.

  1. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is the act of acknowledging and being thankful for the good things that happen. In a state of gratitude, we say yes to life. In a way, we affirm that, on the whole, life is good and has elements that make it worth living.

Looking ahead to 2024, take a moment to think about the following areas: family, friends, physical and mental health, finances, culture, home, skills and education. Calmly analyze: what are you looking forward to, what are you grateful for? Consider both good fortune and simple, everyday pleasures.

Gratitude is closely related to social, emotional and psychological well-being. So don’t miss the opportunity to appreciate the positive things in your life, even if you’re alone on this holiday.

  1. Write a letter of gratitude

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it. The end of the year is the perfect time to pull out pen and paper and write a thank-you letter; in this modern age, a handwritten note may seem extinct. But etiquette experts say they can be more powerful than ever.

Showing gratitude in writing never goes out of style and has never been more important. It’s an act of thoughtfulness that fosters a spirit of generosity and appreciation in both the sender and the recipient.

  1. Set meaningful goals for the year ahead

New Year’s Eve is usually the time when we contemplate the past and start thinking about the possibilities that are just around the corner.

Since you are going to face this celebration on your own, you can dedicate as much time as you need to think about the goals you want to achieve. After brainstorming, you might write in a journal, or develop a visualization board. All of these activities are a great way to move toward goals with greater motivation.

Personal goals don’t have to be huge; rather, they should be meaningful. Maybe you want to read more books, take pottery classes, go to the gym or learn to make pasta from scratch. Think about the life you want and plan for the New Year with optimism.

  1. A virtual event

If you don’t have much contact with your family members, there’s also the possibility of communicating with new people in a digital environment. Joining an online social club can be a great way to meet others who may be in similar situations to you and can offer support.

Don’t get overwhelmed! Sometimes, it’s good to be alone

You shouldn’t blame yourself for being alone on this holiday. If you put your mind to it, you can find joy and fun in small moments and experiences, even in the absence of family or close friends.

Why not take that much-needed hot bath? Why not enjoy nature and soak in invigorating energies? Why not pamper yourself a little?

After all, enjoying your own company and taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to welcome the New Year!

Image: Norbert Kundrak