In her first novel, director and screenwriter Won-pyung Sohn tells the challenging story of Soon Yunjae, who has been diagnosed with alexithymia. This condition is a rare emotional deficiency that...
No matter what anybody tells you, cancel culture is real — though it disproportionally affects more vulnerable people, as opposed to wealthy celebrities. I’ve felt its effects on my work efforts...
New Year's Eve is supposed to be one of the most joyous occasions to celebrate. No matter where you look - television, social media, emails, family, friends, co-workers - there seems to be great...
The writer Mikhail Bulgakov, a fellow native of Kyiv, called the year 1918 “great and terrible.” A little over a century later, 2021 was that kind of year for me — and for many of you too. From...
As the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Will Bunch put it so well recently, forgetting about the concept of the public good is a major problem for us Americans — and it struck me that the ordeal of Robert...
Recently, a conservative Twitter account put a non-binary professor at Old Dominion University on blast. It would seem like a familiar story of conservatives trashing someone who is different......
After the suspension of many major sporting events due to the pandemic, 2021 started with a lot of uncertainty. In addition to the Olympics, plenty of championships also took place around the world...
I had to scrap my regular column today and start anew. Someone very close to me has just been diagnosed with Covid. They refused the vaccine even after my father tragically succumbed to the virus. As...
During the course of our lives, we have to face countless losses. Each and every one of us must face death and walk the difficult path of grief and healing. In the landmark book On Grief and...
Sometimes I'm a masochist, I scroll through comments on social media and websites to find out what people think about a controversial situation. I like to understand human nature and how people...