As a long, long list of men in the film industry accused of sexual harassment and abuse gets ever longer, and Trump seeks to silence his accusers, politicians in London are being put under the...
On Monday, the first in what are likely to be a series of indictments naming Trump cronies came down, sweeping up Paul Manafort and his former business partner, Richard Gates. The 31-page document...
The UK General Election in June of this year turned around with some quite unexpected results. One of these, on the other side of my city, was the former Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg being beaten...
Some years ago, I sat on a bench in the city centre and the man sitting next to me looked at me, looked at my walking stick, and said “Get off your arse and get a job”. I told him I had a job. He...
There’s no way around it: Donald Trump’s “Great America” is a “White America”. This is nothing new (for Trump or frankly, US history). But with Trump’s ban on immigrants from largely...
The U.S. House of Representatives passed a 20 week abortion ban last week, and we decided to take a look back in our archives for those who think the battle over bodily autonomy is new. Here's Sady...
The Las Vegas shooting began at 10:08 pm Pacific Standard Time. Many were asleep during the horrifying crime, and awoke to the facts — 59 dead, 500 wounded, and killer deceased. But one group of...
Are you an international or local leader who doesn’t know how to talk to and about Donald J. Trump? Are you worried about the possibility of the current U.S. president subtweeting you and/or...
Today’s North Korea is not Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. The latter was inspected by the UN on multiple occasions with the full knowledge of the regime that no doomsday weapons would be uncovered. The...
Being disabled or chronically ill can be pretty exhausting. From the moment you wake up, there are battles to fight that non-disabled people don’t take into account. Will the energy it takes to...