Just days after stepping into the White House, President Donald Trump enacted tight restrictions on refugees and immigrants entering the United States, stranding thousands of travelers around the...
Who is drawn to right-wing populism and why is it so dangerous? The real danger of right-wing populism lies in its ability to forge broad societal alliances In the United Kingdom, United States,...
On December 25, 2009 Liu Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment in China. His crime? “Inciting subversion to state power”. A human rights activist devoted to non-violence – his weapons...
Since Christmas, two things are taking up space in my copious social media feeds; it turns out that everybody I have ever met is: Re-joining a weight-loss support club, and / or Re-joining the...
I am of the opinion that had it not been for his positions on trade, Donald Trump would not be President. By using rhetoric that strongly denounced free trade agreements cooked up by “elites” as...
As I write, law enforcement are descending upon Smyrna, Delaware, attempting to put a stop to a hostage situation at Vaughn Correctional Center, with prisoners holding guards and making demands for...
“We believe in a world that should be getting closer because of the digital age, not more separated.” — Aaron Levie, Lead Magician (and CEO) at Box Then donate to a labor union. Donate to...
One week ago, the United States woke up with a democratically elected president. On the following morning, the nation watched the painfully farcical inauguration of a man who won the election by dint...
Slacktivism, that most satisfying of portmanteaus that combines 'slacker' and 'activism', has typically been used to refer to the habit of 'liking' or sharing something on social media; it...
The anniversary of the anti-Sikh riots that engulfed Delhi and many other cities in India after the assassination of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by her Sikh bodyguards fell a few months...