The previous installment of the Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) retrospective discusses "A Clockwork Orange." "Full Metal Jacket" was Stanley Kubrick’s penultimate film. It came out seven years after...
The previous installment of the Stanley Kubrick (1928 - 1999) retrospective is here. In his excellent book Have you seen?, David Thomson comments on the England of "A Clockwork Orange" as a place...
This is part one of a retrospective series on the work of director Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999). Whether you buy into "The Shining's" tag of the first "epic horror" film, or believe it to be a very...
Maybe it’s art imitating life, or life imitating art, but Hollywood couldn’t have timed the British release date of "Defiance" any better if they tried. On January 9, as people queued to see...
Forget traditional Christmas movies like "Miracle On 34th Street." Put all memories of "The Great Escape" aside. Even the umpteenth rerun of Bond cannot defeat the new holiday season favourite: the...
These days, it’s hardly worth waking up on Saturday morning, unless you somehow crave 30 minutes of nausea-inducing lights, screeching, and creepily bug-eyed characters. I’ve seen the animated...
Sean Combs is mystifying. He has gone through an evolution of names, from “Puff Daddy,” to “P.Diddy,” to just “Diddy.” Why he hasn’t completed the logical progression and started...
With all of the scandal that broke in Illinois this week, the announcement that Oprah Winfrey now tips the scales at 200 pounds was still considered a newsworthy item. It was reported by the...
I like the music of the people I find interesting. It’s very important to understand that I don’t have to like or even respect a person to find them utterly fascinating. Maybe that’s why bands...
One day, having returned from a charity project in the Sahara desert, I was exhausted from the heat, barely recovered from a stomach bug, and found myself seriously appreciating New York’s rain....