It used to be that, to get hold of the morning-after pill, you had to get a prescription from your GP or go to a Family Planning Clinic or A&E (that genuinely was the advice; A&E must have...
For most of the month of April, every time I turned onto the news or logged onto some social media platform, I saw something about Extinction Rebellion (or Brexit, but I think everyone has had it up...
It’s looking increasingly likely that Boris Johnson will be the next British Prime Minister. You know the one, a jolly fellow who is a bit of a clown and is game for a laugh? Funny chap, bit...
Ann Widdecombe became a British Member of Parliament in 1987. A Conservative, she was socially at the right of her party, opposing LGBT rights and abortion and even supporting the return of the death...
Britain was technically supposed to have left the EU by now. As it is, due to a series of messy negotiations and failed votes, we’re still very much European (thank the Lord) and, as a result, we...
Throughout history, the people of all governments, whether it be monarchist or democracy, left or right, authoritarian or libertarian, have been subject to a certain degree of scrutiny by the powers...
At 9.25am every weekday for the last 14 years, an obnoxious and angry man has dominated the morning TV airwaves. The Jeremy Kyle show blasted through more than a million people’s TVs every day,...
Yesterday, voters in England and Northern Ireland voted in local council elections. The results of local elections are always interesting because people vote differently locally compared to...
A woman in Scotland was in an abusive relationship. She had been battered and beaten by her partner but, until one particular night, he had never sexually abused her. But he came home drunk in the...
Theresa May has made a big balls-up of Brexit again. Actually, I don’t know if it’s ‘again’ so much as a continuous state of being. Desperate to get fellow Conservatives to vote for her...