On Wednesday afternoon, British-born Khalid Masood drove his car across Westminster Bridge in London, mowing down a group of pedestrians, before crashing into the gate at the side of the...
Relief! The Dutch voted against xenophobe populism. A clear victory against extremism, Francois Hollande called it. The nationalist Geert Wilders didn’t win. That’s what’s making the...
This week, the European Court of Justice ruled that it was legal for companies to ban employees from wearing the hijab, as long as such a ban is part of a wider ruling prohibiting any...
Having had a Catholic education, my experience of sex education was mixed. Sometimes it was sensible, sometimes it was scientific, and sometimes the repulsion they tried to teach us about things like...
It is a bold claim, but new research carried out by the Oasis Foundation explains how the church is the predominant cause of mental health problems in the LGB community. To acknowledge that they are...
Living in the south of France in the late 1990s, I was surrounded by the burgeoning popularity of le Front national, a far-right political party founded and led by Jean-Marie Le Pen. Le Pen was an...
Just days after stepping into the White House, President Donald Trump enacted tight restrictions on refugees and immigrants entering the United States, stranding thousands of travelers around the...
Since Christmas, two things are taking up space in my copious social media feeds; it turns out that everybody I have ever met is: Re-joining a weight-loss support club, and / or Re-joining the...
Earlier this week, a young woman in my city reported being seriously sexually assaulted in Weston Park. It appears that she was attacked when walking through the public park around 11pm on Monday...
Warsaw. Castle Square. October 3, 2016. This picture shows one of many protests that gathered that day in Poland and across the globe. #CzarnyProtest — meaning literally the Black...