At the start of this television season, I boldly pronounced that of the two fairytale shows competing for attention, Grimm was the superior, a cult series in the making, while Once Upon A Time lacked...
At the start of the 2011-2012 television season, the networks were catering to a demand for fairytales. Four months later, they’re rolling out two shows with a strong horror lean, bent on creeping...
NBC’s darkly atmospheric Grimm premiered last Friday, blending the good old fashioned police procedural with the legends of the Brothers Grimm in a world that one of the characters assures us ‘is...
The first of two fairytale retellings slated for network television charged out of the gate on Sunday night at ABC, where Once Upon A Time put viewers in a world where fairytale characters have lost...
Cherie Priest's Ganymede (Tor, 2011), the latest entry in the Clockwork Century series, is a delicious cross-country steampunk adventure spanning from the bayous of Louisiana to an underground...
This weekend, I found myself having a night out with my boyfriend. (I know, I know. It’s an exciting way to start a story. Just wait a second.) There was food, there was music, there was flattering...
It’s the end of an era. The entertainment which has stretched across books, movies, and countless marketing tie-ins, which has captivated children and adults for well over a decade and which has,...
Dabbling in different genres is much the same as experimenting with a wild cocktail of hard drugs; it may have some electric highs but the comedown isn’t going to be pretty. After unleashing Sucker...
If there is one thing that is obvious from Karen Joy Fowler’s work to date, it is that she likes books. The Jane Austen Book Club, for which she is chiefly known (it spent quite some time on the...
Hold on to your hats on 3 April, because the Borgias are coming to prime time. Showtime announces that 'The Borgias will be a complex, unvarnished portrait of one of history’s most intriguing and...