US network TNT has dipped some toes into the science fiction waters with Falling Skies, a post-apocalyptic narrative set in the United States after an alien invasion. The aliens have settled in for...
We have lived long enough to witness the second coming of JC. No, not that one. The one with the shorter beard. James Cameron, that is. He can’t walk on water, but he’s bringing us the next best...
This essay contains spoilers. There, you've been warned. Don't come whining to us later. As a writer, it’s easy to criticize. You can throw around rhetoric, slather your ideas in half-baked...
“District 9” proves that nothing unites the human race better than a good old-fashioned alien invasion. We forget our own racial hatred for two minutes to gang up on slimy spacemen, exploit their...
Gamers and fantasy fans are often maligned as freaks and geeks, but they also foster close-knit communities that support each other and are wary of outsiders. Writer Ethan Gilsdorf left the gaming...
I am an unabashed sci-fi fan. I love "Star Trek," and even tried to get into "Enterprise." I have watched all six "Star Wars" movies and "Blade Runner" in the theaters during their first weekend of...
Gina Carano might have appeared on the show American Gladiator, where she wore a spandex costume and goes by a superhero nickname, “Crush,” but her real job is Muay Thai and mixed martial arts...
This is a special edition of this column. At some point, the team behind the new "Star Trek," the eleventh feature film of the franchise, must have considered the predicament Spock often finds...