Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to ADWIT, the Audio Drama Writers’ Independent Toolkit
Sum up your podcast in three sentences
Sarah and Lindsay want more great fiction podcasts. To that end, they share a tools-based approach to creating audio fiction podcasts that anyone can use.
Join Sarah and Lindsay on an immersive audio adventure to discover the secrets of great audio drama podcasting.
Who is your ideal listener? Who loves your show?
People who enjoy fiction, who love stories and creating them.
What made you start this podcast?
I want more great audio drama and fiction podcasts, and I have MFA Playwriting skills that nobody’s stopping me from sharing. Sarah is a brilliant voice actress and we both listen to (and make) a lot of audio drama pods, so we know what makes them work.
What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?
Fiction podcasts light up more of your brain because of the way metaphor and coding works.
People will listen to more episodes of a fiction podcast (and more of each episode, like all the way to the end with no skipping) so they don’t miss any of the story.
People get more emotionally invested in fiction pods than non-fiction.

What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?
Getting an audience to find your podcast is hard! Immersive audio is the most exciting medium, but many podcast hosting services want your audio compressed into 96 kbps mono, which isn’t the kind of sound I find exciting. Trailer swaps and community are the best way to grow your show.
If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?
Any of them, but Episode 1 is best. The episodes are short, you could binge all of them if you wanted in less than a day.
Which other podcasts do you love listening to?
Don’t Mind: Cruxmont, The Truth, The Golden House, Dungeon Economic Model, Indie AF, WriteNow, The Boar Knight, Wooden Overcoats
If people want to find you online, where can they do so?
Read the rest of our Podcast Showcases here and find your new listening addiction from among our features.
Do you have a podcast that should be showcased in this spot? Email editor@globalcomment.com with more details.
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio