Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to The Research Like a Pro Genealogy Podcast.
Sum up your podcast in three sentences
Diana Elder, AG and Nicole Dyer, co-authors of the best-selling book, Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide, discuss the Research Like a Pro method and how to take your genealogy research to the next level in their weekly podcast, Research Like a Pro®.
Learn about research objectives, analysis, locality research, research planning, source citations, report writing, case studies, DNA analysis and more.
Diana and Nicole are professional genealogists who help clients solve difficult research problems.
Who is your ideal listener? Who loves your show?
Intermediate genealogists who aspire to do professional-level work.
What made you start this podcast?
Working to become professional genealogists and having conversations about our research made us realize that others might be interested in what we were learning as well.
What have you learned about your subject thanks to this podcast?
We have learned so much from our guests and from each other. The more we learn about genealogy research, we realize how much more there is to know.
The joy of genealogy and family history is that you’re never done learning! Just try researching in a new locality or time period and you’re back to discovering the available records, history of the time and place, and unique challenges to that place.

What has your experience of podcasting been? What do you love / hate about the process?
We have been podcasting since July 2018, almost 5 years! We love recording each week and talking about our research. We’ve got an editor who takes away the hard part of editing the episodes.
If someone wants to start listening to your podcast, which episode would you recommend they start with? Why?
Start with episodes 113-119 – we review the Research Like a Pro process!
Which other podcasts do you love listening to?
- The Genealogy Professional by Marian Pierre-Louis
- Ben Franklin’s World by Liz Covart
- The Genealogy Guys Podcast with Drew Smith
- Genealogy Gems with Lisa Louise Cook
If people want to find you online, where can they do so?
- https://familylocket.com/the-research-like-a-pro-genealogy-podcast/
- https://familylocket.com
- https://youtube.com/familylocket
- https://facebook.com/familylocket
- https://twitter.com/familylocket
Read the rest of our Podcast Showcases here and find your new listening addiction from among our features.
Do you have a podcast that could be showcased in this spot? Email editor@globalcomment.com with more details.
Image credit: Anita Jankovic