In Changing the Game, a documentary directed by Michael Barnett, we meet Mack, Sarah and Andraya, teenagers who are excelling at the sports they love. They train and compete and train and compete...
The food industry moves at lightning speed. Big companies use sophisticated laboratories to adjust ingredients, which enhances taste and appearance. Grocery shelves are filled with glossy,...
Every Monday on Global Comment, we share Something Special you don't want to miss. To fit with the six core pillars of the magazine, these will alternate between the themes of watch / listen / read /...
This month at Five Books For, I've been exploring historical fiction and I'm so excited to share here one of my favourite books of all time and the absolutely brilliant adaptation of it which I hope...
Thought red flags were the only color that can help you decode your love life? No! The newest term coined by Gen Z is beige flags, as of 2022, but it's gained popularity over the last year on TikTok...
Czech author and illustrator Anna Rajmon, whose book Elis: Irish Call Girl has been reviewed for Global Comment by me this month, was gracious enough to grant me some of her time to discuss the...
In Elis: Irish Call Girl, Czech author and illustrator Anna Rajmon tells her story of working in the Irish sex trade. Her purpose in doing so is to warn any young women thinking of entering this...
When you've lived abroad for a long time, there are lots of things you miss about home. Mostly your family, I find, although food seems to have a special power to make me feel a wistful nostalgia for...
Every Monday on Global Comment, we share Something Special you don't want to miss. To fit with the six core pillars of the magazine, these will alternate between the themes of watch / listen / read /...
Heretic, directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, is a genre-bending film that draws viewers into a dark, thought-provoking thriller, packed with tension and laced with questions about faith,...