This review contains minor spoilers. Written by Baek Seon-woo and directed by Oh Hyun-jong (The One and Only) Netflix's latest sensation, Doctor Slump (닥터슬럼프) has captivated audiences with...
Eleanor (Olivia Fildes) struggles to get her life back on track on the streets of Melbourne as she navigates a series of setbacks related to work, a roof over her head, a past that seems to haunt her...
Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to The Comfortable Spot. Sum up your podcast in...
The film Simón strikes a deep chord through an exploration of migratory guilt and the loss of roots and the trauma of repression. Venezuelan director Diego Vicentini's debut feature — which ranked...
During the assault on The White House in the riveting climax to Alex Garland’s Civil War, soldiers fight in the narrow corridors of America’s sullied power. Automatic fire resonates and echoes as...
Directed by Dave Boyle, House of Ninjas is a Japanese series co-produced by Netflix and TOHO Studios. Based on a story by Kento Kaku, Takafumi Imai and Yoshiaki Murao, the non-English speaking show...
After the death of Gabriel García Márquez in April 2014, it seemed impossible that we would ever read more magical realism from his pen, but this year brought an important gift for literature...
Welcome to the next in the Podcast Showcase series, where we share podcasts with you in the words of the podcasters themselves. This time, we talk to Flip the Switch. Sum up your podcast in three...
If you gave up your gym membership in the first few months of this year, don't be too hard on yourself, maintaining a fitness routine can be really tough. However, if you want to enjoy these nice...
Matt Dillon was God, the early 80s his Valhalla. A denim deity who ruled the Brat Pack with a leather fist and a blood red bandana, Francis Ford Coppola’s dangerous teen idol, Dally in The...