It’s a well known fact that Russia can make a weapon out of virtually anything. Give a Russian kid a box of crayons and a stick of gum, and the little brat will make a nuclear warhead by the time...
As a new £10 note comes into circulation today, the Independent reports that, thanks to Brexit, it is “15 percent smaller, and 16 percent less valuable” than its predecessor. Worth just £8.60...
In the Trump era, things previously thought unimaginable in the United States have become politics as usual, but the uproar over ESPN reporter Jemele Hill has managed to plumb new depths, and charged...
Are you worried about North Korea nuking you in your sleep? Is Weird Al Yankovic’s “Christmas at Ground Zero” playing on a loop in your head these days? Never fear! The sentient...
After saying that 'they shouldn't be very worried,' Donald Trump delivered a blow to people living in the United States under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a policy from the...
Hurricane Harvey has been at the top of the news all around the world this week. The devastation seen in Texas has left homes underwater and people wading down streets with their entire lives...
Charlottesville woke many Americans up to the painful, terrifying truth that Nazis do indeed exist in modern America, they are employing violence, and they are growing in strength, numbers,...
There is something particularly frightening about the people who turn a car or a lorry into a weapon. These are everyday objects that we see and do not generally fear and yet, in moments, they...
Events this weekend in Charlottesville, Va., may have become a historic tipping point for a nation struggling with racism, moral bankruptcy, and a vacuum in leadership. The question many...
The rhetoric between the U.S. and North Korea appears to signal we are on the march to a regional conflict. North Korea says it is ready to “teach the U.S. a severe lesson” and that...