Being an inpatient in a hospital can be a lonely and frightening time. You are so ill that you can’t stay at home and you are separated from those who love and care for you – visiting hours are...
The media paints a bleak picture of the world and its future. In fact, studies show that constant exposure to the news can lead to increased rates of anxiety and depression. The cure? Turn it...
Medical experts denounce policy’s “false claims and empty promises” and doctors join call for decriminalisation of drugs — but is the Government capable of listening? Deaths caused by drugs...
Attacks against the Roma community have become disturbingly common in Ukraine since the start of 2018. On Saturday 23rd June, a group of young people stormed into a Roma camp in the city of Lviv in...
She was in the bathroom when three gun shots sounded outside of her apartment in Kyiv. Arkady Babchenko’s wife ran out to find her husband lying face down in the entrance to their apartment...
Yesterday, it was 12 months since the horrific fire at Grenfell Towers in London. 72 people died and many more were injured, and a public inquiry is ongoing to look at what caused the blaze and how...
Crap, you have stolen your roommate’s burrito. It happens to the best of us. Don’t have a roommate? I assume you’ve stolen something at least once from the communal fridge at work/accidentally...
Until this week, many people had never heard of “incels”, a term short for “involuntary celibates” that describes a certain kind of man. It’s a man who has never had sex, or who has trouble...
When you donate to a massive charity like Oxfam, you know that some of your cash goes to maintain the shiny corporate image of the organisation but you also imagine the bulk of your donation going...
While most British cops are not allowed to carry guns, the use of tasers has somehow slipped through the net. Nobody seemed to vote on it, yet the police carry them regardless. However, it has been...