There has been so many books published over the years in both classic and contemporary genres that it is so hard to know what is valuable or interesting to read and what is not. In this article I aim...
The child rights spotlight is firmly on Ireland at the moment. The latest harrowing news is that, in 2013, eighty-three children were placed in adult psychiatric units. The Code of Practice Relating...
When I was in primary school, one of my first concerns was to save lynxes from extinction. There were no lynxes in the Italian costal town I used to live in - at the time I thought because they...
For the Leftie in your life, a tumblr that pairs cats contemplating French economist Thomas Piketty's recent intellectual blockbuster Capital in the Twenty First Century, which has influentially...
Last year, naturalist Sir David Attenborough got into trouble when he called humans “a plague on the earth.” Apparently, some folks get a bit peeved when you slip ‘plague’ and ‘humans’...
The Eurovision Song Contest, that glorious, glittery spectacle that isn’t just out of left field, but comprises the field, had quite the 2014 edition. A televised competition featuring entrants...
Three Diana Wynne Jones books have been published since the author’s death in 2011, and I have bought each and mourned a little anew. There’s something particularly final, though, about The...
Harold Shand is dead. We always knew it in our hearts when the future James Bond drove him off at gunpoint. We always knew it but we couldn’t quite believe. Men like Shand don’t die. They...
In (coastal) America the line between performance art and pornography has long been walked by a plethora of female provocateurs, from Annie Sprinkle right up to Sasha Grey. So in this sense Femen –...
A couple of days ago, English writer, television presenter, and model Peaches Geldof was found dead in her home at the age of twenty-five. The cause of death is as yet unknown, but that hasn’t...