Newport, Rhode Island 1903. The epilogue to Michael Cimino’s revisionist Western, Heaven’s Gate is an enigmatic affair set aboard an opulent yacht. You can practically taste the melancholy of the...
Scarlett Johansson's deep, feminine and sexy voice is known around the world. Now, the actress is one of the first major public figures to face a legal battle due to the peculiar and disturbing...
Boy, did September bring us some great and satisfying TV to watch. From the highly anticipated and powerful release of The Penguin, Matt Reeves' BatVerse spin-off; to the reboot of Matlock, starring...
A lot of cultural trends are no fun at all, but the older woman/younger man trend, as showcased in this year’s A Family Affair and The Idea of You is actually pretty fun to talk about. Both of...
This month over at Five Books For we've been looking at clever thrillers - the kind of thriller that not only keeps you compulsively turning the pages but has characters you care for, brilliant...
If you enjoy watching a good political drama full of secrets, intrigues, conspiracies and power games, then Netflix's South Korean original series, The Whirlwind (돌풍), is for you. Produced by...
Every Monday on Global Comment, we share Something Special you don't want to miss. To fit with the six core pillars of the magazine, these will alternate between the themes of watch / listen / read /...
The head of Vladimir Lenin's statue hanging from a helicopter marks a turning point in Good Bye, Lenin! The 2002 film by Wolfgang Becker and starring Daniel Brühl recounts the aftermath of the fall...
Created by the prolific David E. Kelley and starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Presumed Innocent is now available on Apple TV+ and has exploded the platform's ratings. In August 1987, a young and unknown...
True crime series like Netflix’s Worst Roommate Ever and Worst Ex Ever seem exploitative on the surface. I mean, just look at the titles! Obviously, they’re meant to appeal to the lowest common...