Heretic, directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods, is a genre-bending film that draws viewers into a dark, thought-provoking thriller, packed with tension and laced with questions about faith,...
Jon Stone, Anglia Ruskin University Poetry isn’t a medium typically associated with towering beasts. Lyric poems tend to be short, tender and concerned with minor everyday incidents. That, or...
I’m having a hard time writing this column in the glare of the presidential election and the revelation that a dear friend has passed away (it happened a while ago, across the Pond, and I wasn’t...
The streets of Valparaiso are poem and color. Pablo Neruda owned a house in this place, which is now a museum. Not even the poet could resist the charms of the city with colorful houses and elevators...
Every Monday on Global Comment, we share Something Special you don't want to miss. To fit with the six core pillars of the magazine, these will alternate between the themes of watch / listen / read /...
With the behemoth that is Netflix in our lives, it can be easy to forget that Apple TV+ makes some amazing television. I am one of many people who is eagerly awaiting the return of Severance, for...
I moved to Seville back in 2020 after falling in love with it (and my husband) on an earlier trip. It's a beautiful city with loads of great things to do and see and with some of the best food you...
The leaves are falling from the trees and it's that time in the month when we point out the upcoming must-see series from streaming platforms and TV networks. Fortunately, the fall slate of shows...
We all remember Marion Crane's (Janet Leigh) scream in the shower in Psycho. With Hitchcock, she marked an era of horror that raised applause at awards shows and froze viewers in their seats with...
Whether you're looking for spooky, apocalyptic, ghostly, supernatural, or progressive horror stories, now that Halloween season is in full swing, it's the perfect time of year to have a scary series...